Nouveautés et sélections de la Bibliothèque de l'UNIGE

Gérontologie - nouveauté
Les nouvelles acquisitions en Gérontologie
Documents 1 à 25 sur 177 trouvés

More-than-human aging animals, robots, and care in later life More-than-human aging animals, robots, and care in later life
New Brunswick Camden Newark, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press
Cote : CIGEV 2596
International Aging : Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Growing Old / International Aging : Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Growing Old /
Powell, Jason L., 1971- author.
Cham, Switzerland : : Springer
First edition. [2024]
Cote : 305.26
Sociology of Ageing : A South Asia Perspective. Sociology of Ageing : A South Asia Perspective.
Karalay, Gangadhar.
Oxford : : Taylor & Francis Group
1st ed. 2023.
Cote : 305.26/0954
Population Science Methods and Approaches to Aging and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Research. Population Science Methods and Approaches to Aging and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Research.
Trinh-Shevrin, Chau.
Newark : : John Wiley & Sons Incorporated
1st ed. 2024.
Cote : 155.67
Family Ties and Psychosocial Processes in an Ageing Society : Comparative Perspectives. Family Ties and Psychosocial Processes in an Ageing Society : Comparative Perspectives.
Klein, Alejandro.
Cham : : Springer International Publishing AG
1st ed. 2024.
Creating New Meanings for Old Age : Plans and Projects after Eighty. Creating New Meanings for Old Age : Plans and Projects after Eighty.
Paoletti, Isabella.
Singapore : : Palgrave Macmillan
1st ed. 2024.
Cote : 305.26
Prendre soin de mes parents qui vieillissent toutes les ressources pour le proche aidant Prendre soin de mes parents qui vieillissent toutes les ressources pour le proche aidant
Taquet-Assoignons, Annick
Gap : Éditions Le souffle d'or
Creating empowering environments for people with dementia addressing inclusive design from homes to cities Creating empowering environments for people with dementia addressing inclusive design from homes to cities
Abingdon, Oxfordshire : Routledge
Trans and gender diverse ageing in care contexts research into practice Trans and gender diverse ageing in care contexts research into practice
Bristol, England : : Bristol University Press
Reimagining age-friendly communities urban ageing and spatial justice Reimagining age-friendly communities urban ageing and spatial justice
Bristol, England : Bristol University Press
Les fondamentaux du travail en EHPAD Les fondamentaux du travail en EHPAD
Noël, Jean-Luc
Paris : Éditions érès
Rapidly increasing retirement ages changing employment practices for older workers Rapidly increasing retirement ages changing employment practices for older workers
Jensen, Per H. 1951-....
Cheltenham Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing
Research handbook on law, society and ageing Research handbook on law, society and ageing
Cheltenham Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing
Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality / Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality /
Cheltenham, England : : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
First edition. [2024]
Cote : 305.513
Age and Dignity : Anti-Ageist Theory and Practice / Age and Dignity : Anti-Ageist Theory and Practice /
Thompson, Neil, author.
Cheltenham, England : : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
First edition. [2024]
Cote : 305.2608
Research Handbook on Inequalities in Later Life / Research Handbook on Inequalities in Later Life /
Cheltenham, England : : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
First edition. [2024]
Cote : 305.26
Arts in Healthy Aging : Exploring Research, Policy, and Professional Practice. Arts in Healthy Aging : Exploring Research, Policy, and Professional Practice.
Dewey Lambert, Patricia.
Oxford : : Oxford University Press Incorporated
1st ed. 2024.
Cote : 700.8460973
Sur le chemin du vieillir... mobiliser les potentialités de la personne âgée et partager du temps ensemble Sur le chemin du vieillir... mobiliser les potentialités de la personne âgée et partager du temps ensemble
Cousina, Agnès
Lyon : Chronique sociale
Cote : CIGEV 2583
Handbook on aging and place Handbook on aging and place
Cheltenham Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing
Ethics and integrity in research with older people and service users moving beyond the rhetoric Ethics and integrity in research with older people and service users moving beyond the rhetoric
United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing
First edition 2024
Care technologies for ageing societies an international comparison Care technologies for ageing societies an international comparison
Bristol : Policy Press
Aging families in Chinese society Aging families in Chinese society
New York : Routledge
Work, retire, repeat the uncertainty of retirement in the new economy Work, retire, repeat the uncertainty of retirement in the new economy
Ghilarducci, Teresa 1957-
Chicago London : The University of Chicago Press
Studying generations multidisciplinary perspectives Studying generations multidisciplinary perspectives
Bristol : Bristol University Press
La fin de vie La fin de vie
Balard, Frédéric 1980-....
Clermont-Ferrand : Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal
Cote : CIGEV 2569