Introduction to algorithms Introduction to algorithms
Cormen, Thomas H.
Cambridge, Massachusett : The MIT Press
4th edition [2022]
Cote : F.2.0 INT Ed.4
Réseaux Réseaux
Tanenbaum, Andrew
Paris : Pearson France
6e édition 2022
Cote : C.2.1 TAN Ed.6
Computer networks Computer networks
Tanenbaum, Andrew
Harlow, United Kingdom : Pearson
6th edition, Global edition [2021]
Cote : C.2.1 TAN Ed.6
Pattern classification Pattern classification
Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork
New York : J. Wiley
2nd edition © 2001
Cote : I.5.0 DUD Ed.2
C++ high performance master the art of optimizing the functioning of your C++ code C++ high performance master the art of optimizing the functioning of your C++ code
Andrist, Björn
Birmingham, England : Packt
2nd edition 2020
Cote : D.3.2 ANDR Ed.2
The art of 64-bit assembly The art of 64-bit assembly
Hyde, Randall
San Francisco : No Starch Press Inc
Cote : B.1.4 HYD
Cybersécurité analyser les risques, mettre en œuvre les solutions Cybersécurité analyser les risques, mettre en œuvre les solutions
Ghernaouti, Solange
Paris : Dunod
7e édition 2022
Cote : D.4.6 GHE Ed.7
Generative deep learning teaching machines to paint, write, compose, and play Generative deep learning teaching machines to paint, write, compose, and play
Foster, David
Sebastopol, California : O'Reilly Media
2nd edition 2023
Cote : I.2.6 FOS Ed.2
Introduction au machine learning Introduction au machine learning
Azencott, Chloé-Agathe
Malakoff : Dunod
2e édition [2022]
Cote : I.2.6 AZE Ed. 2
Voir la liste complète