Nouveautés et sélections de la Bibliothèque de l'UNIGE

nouvelles acquisitions décembre 2024
Documents 1 à 25 sur 34 trouvés

The new annotated Frankenstein
The new annotated Frankenstein
Mary Shelley ; edited with a foreword and notes by Leslie S. Klinger ; with additional research by Janet Byrne ; introduction by Guillermo del Toro ; afterword by Anne K. Mellor
New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W. Norton & Company
First edition [2017]
Cote : 823.7
A history of disability in England from the medieval period to the present day
A history of disability in England from the medieval period to the present day
Simon Jarrett
Swindon : Historic England
The hour of absinthe a cultural history of France’s most notorious drink The hour of absinthe a cultural history of France’s most notorious drink
Studer, Nina Salouâ
Montreal Kingston London Chicago : McGill-Queen’s University Press
Cote : QV 766 STU
Faut-il prédire les maladies ? enjeux philosophiques et éthiques de la médecine prédictive Faut-il prédire les maladies ? enjeux philosophiques et éthiques de la médecine prédictive
Dekeuwer, Catherine 1976-....
Dijon : Editions universitaires de Dijon
The first NHS how John Tomley's work led to modern healthcare The first NHS how John Tomley's work led to modern healthcare
Snow, Emma
Barnsley : Pen and Sword Books
30 nouvelles histoires insolites qui ont fait la médecine du Moyen Âge à nos jours 30 nouvelles histoires insolites qui ont fait la médecine du Moyen Âge à nos jours
Fabiani, Jean-Noël cardiologue 1947-....
Paris : Plon
Monstrosity, bodies, and knowledge in Early Modern England curiosity to see and behold Monstrosity, bodies, and knowledge in Early Modern England curiosity to see and behold
Dirks, Whitney
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press
Biotech animals in research ethical and regulatory aspects Biotech animals in research ethical and regulatory aspects
Gjerris, Mickey ca. 21. Jh.
Boca Raton : CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
First edition 2024
Système de santé, et si c'était les experts qui étaient malades ? réformer notre système de santé sans le détruire ! Système de santé, et si c'était les experts qui étaient malades ? réformer notre système de santé sans le...
Eggimann, Philippe médecin 1960-....
Chêne-Bourg : Georg éditeur
Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg children's medicine at a bastion of Nazi ideology Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg children's medicine at a bastion of Nazi ideology
Shalvey, Aisling 1994-
Exeter : University of Exeter Press
The power of placebos how the science of placebos and nocebos can improve health care The power of placebos how the science of placebos and nocebos can improve health care
Howick, Jeremy
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press
Environmental bioethics theory and practice for environmentally sustainable health care Environmental bioethics theory and practice for environmentally sustainable health care
Londres : Taylor & Francis Ltd
Microaggressions in medicine Microaggressions in medicine
Freeman, Lauren
Oxford : Oxford University Press
Ethical dilemmas and future implications of COVID-19 Ethical dilemmas and future implications of COVID-19
Searight, H. Russell 19..-....
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Invisible labor the untold story of the cesarean section Invisible labor the untold story of the cesarean section
Somerstein, Rachel
New York, NY : Ecco
First edition [2024]
Fascinating fringes of medicine from oddities to innovations Fascinating fringes of medicine from oddities to innovations
Quinn, Campion
Singapore : World Scientific
St. Joseph state hospital 150 years St. Joseph state hospital 150 years
[S l.] : The St Joseph Museum
Early modern medicine an introduction to source analysis Early modern medicine an introduction to source analysis
London New York, NY : Routledge
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Gut, brain, and environment in nineteenth-century french literature and medicine Gut, brain, and environment in nineteenth-century french literature and medicine
Mathias, Manon
London : Taylor & Francis
Irish fever an archaeology of illness, injury, and healing in New York City, 1845-1875 Irish fever an archaeology of illness, injury, and healing in New York City, 1845-1875
Linn, Meredith
Chicago : University of Tennessee Press
Science, medicine, and the aims of inquiry a philosophical analysis Science, medicine, and the aims of inquiry a philosophical analysis
Varga, Somogy 1974-
Cambridge, United Kingdom New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press
The last great plague of colonial India The last great plague of colonial India
Sarkar, Natasha
New York : Oxford University Press
The body's keepers a social history of kidney failure and treatments The body's keepers a social history of kidney failure and treatments
Kimmel, Paul L.
Rochester, MN : Mayo Clinic Press
First edition 2024
Uncertainty and emotion in the 1900 sydney plague Uncertainty and emotion in the 1900 sydney plague
Barr, Philippa Nicole
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
ANDREAS VESALIUS anatomy and the world of books ANDREAS VESALIUS anatomy and the world of books