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High-dimensional statistics : a non-asymptotic viewpoint / Wainwright, Martin author. (Martin J.), Cambridge : : Cambridge University Press 2019. Cote : 519.5 |
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Modèles GARCH structure, inférence statistique et applications financières Francq, Christian 1962-.... Paris : Economica 2009 Cote : 511.8 FRA |
Bernoulli official journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability London : International Statistical Institute; Chapman and Hall 1995 Cote : SESP 1051 |
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Categorical data analysis Agresti, Alan 1947-.... Hoboken : Wiley-Interscience Third edition 2013 Cote : 519.536 AGR |
Advanced calculus with applications in statistics Khuri, André I. 1940-.... Hoboken : Wiley Interscience Second edition revised and expanded [2022] Cote : 519.5 KHU |
Introduction to graph signal processing Ortega, Antonio Cambridge : Cambridge University Press [2022] Cote : 519 ORT |
Analyse des séries temporelles Bourbonnais, Régis Malakoff : Dunod 5e édition [2022] Cote : 519.55 BOU 2022 print + |
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models Gelman, Andrew 1965- New York : Cambridge University Press 2007 Cote : 519.536 GEL |
Mixed models theory and applications with R Demidenko, Eugène 1948-.... Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Second Edition 2013 Cote : 519.1 DEM |
Non-Gaussian autoregressive-type time series Balakrishna, Narayana 19..-.... Singapore : Springer 2021 Cote : 519.5 BAL |
Statistical analysis of fMRI data Ashby, F. Gregory Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press Second edition 2019 Cote : 519.5 ASH |
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